Current Northern Circle Projects

Manchester Point Arena Wellness Park
Community Wellness Project, as funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Indian Community Development Block Grant - American Rescue Plan program, provides additional means to prepare for, prevent, and respond to the Corona Virus Pandemic. With youth having returned to in-person schooling, there were increased concerns about the exposure and subsequent spread of COVID-19 to families. To mitigate exposure and spread of COVID-19, NCIHA and MPA worked together to plan for, procure, and install Play Equipment for Community use.
The Community Wellness Project, consisting of play equipment and supportive seating, will be carried out at both the Point Arena and Manchester sites. The Point Arena park project is underway with the Manchester project to follow. Stay tuned for updates!

NCIHA Elder Village
Project including the acquisition, pre-development, and development of an Inter-Tribal Elder Village (Ukiah, CA.) for elders receiving Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payments (SSI/SSP).
For many indigenous communities, elders are the last keeps of language, tradition, and culture. Our vision for this project is to create a safe space that will promote the preservation and passing of these teachings. This space, to be specifically designed "by the elders, for the elders". The proposed development will include 12 handicap-accessible residential units with a centralized shared building for recreation, services, and meeting space.
The Inter-Tribal Elder Village will be overseen by NCIHA's Resident Services and Empowerment and Supportive Services Department staff. Additional services to support the residents of the Inter-Tribal Elder Village will be offered through partnerships with local agencies, organizations, and non-profits that provide health care, culture, and traditions.
This project was made possible with funding from the California Department of Social Services Community Care Expansion (CCE) program. The CCE program is part of a statewide effort to expand the State’s housing and care continuum, improve treatment outcomes, and prevent the cycle of homelessness or unnecessary institutionalization. Learn more: CCEgrant. We anticipate construction in 2025 and completion in 2026/2027.

Hopland 4-Plex
The Hopland Four-Plex, a four-unit residential complex owned and operated by NCIHA on the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians' Rancheria, is a new construction project with two 2-bedroom and two 3-bedroom units. The project is primarily funded by the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act Indian Housing Block Grant (HUD), HOME Investment Partnership (HCD), and Homekey 2.0 (HCD).
The project will serve the Chronically Homeless population with incomes equal to or less than 50% Area Median Income (AMI).
Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority, Hopland Band of Pomo Indians, DMR Builders, Al Jimenez Building and Safety, Blackbird Associates, and Tall Tree Engineering.

Mooretown 8 Home Build
Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority applied for and was awarded funds through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Indian Housing Block Grant Competitive Grant funds to develop 8 Single-Family Homes on the Mooretown Rancheria.
This rental project is intended for low-income households utilizing renewable solar energy technology and being connected to on-site utilities. Key project outcomes include reducing the number of households living in substandard housing (including with overcrowded conditions) and increase the affordable rental housing stock by 14%.
This new construction project is the final proposed phase of housing development within this subdivision with additional Community Development underway; Mooretown Multi-Purpose Park.
Project Team:
Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority, Mooretown Rancheria, Ginno Construction, Al Jimenez Building & Safety, LACO Associates, and NV5.