On Behalf Of

Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority applied for and was awarded funds through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Indian Housing Block Grant Competitive Grant funds to develop 8 Single-Family Homes on the Mooretown Rancheria.
This rental project is intended for low-income households utilizing renewable solar energy technology and being connected to on-site utilities. Key project outcomes include reducing the number of households living in substandard housing (including with overcrowded conditions) and increase the affordable rental housing stock by 14%.
This new construction project is the final proposed phase of housing development within this subdivision with additional Community Development underway; Mooretown Multi-Purpose Park.
Project Team:
Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority, Mooretown Rancheria, Ginno Construction, Al Jimenez Building & Safety, LACO Associates, and NV5.
Project Updates
On Wednesday, September 11th NCIHA, Mooretown Rancheria, GRID Alternative (Solar Provider), Al Jimenez (Building Official), and Ginno Construction, INC. (General Contractor) met on-site to conduct a walk-through inspection of the IHBG Competitive Grant New Construction Project. We are excited to be one step closer to MOVE IN!
Grid Alternatives has been installing solar with battery backup the batteries are tesla and will allow the tenants to run off them in the event of a power outage although the benefit will depend on the appliances used.
with refrigerators, tv, computers the battery will last longer than running AC, washer and dryer
+Landscaping and fencing on Jackson trail
On February 10, Northern Circle held the ribbon cutting for the new Mooretown homes. The ribbon cutting was part of our 2024 annual meeting. Meeting attendees were bussed to the site to watch the cutting and tour first 4 homes which were nearing completion. NCIHA Commissioner Linda Edwards, and Mooretown Tribal Chairman Benjamin Clarke cut the ribbon.
Project Funded By