Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority

learn about NCIHA’s history and our future together

About Us

More than just housing

we work hard
in all fields

NCIHA provides more than just housing assistance and has several other programs available not just to tenants but to consortium members. 


Performs preventative maintenance, conducts necessary repairs and maintains the current housing stock under NCIHA's management and oversight


Housing and Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP) aids individuals that are homeless and disabled, but not already receiving SSA, to obtain permanent housing and disability benefits

Resident Services

Manages NCIHA's properties and residences, intakes payments, issues tenant related letters/ notice, carries out annual inspections and implements lease compliance

ROSS Grant

Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) works with Residents to offer career development, financial literacy and drug and alcohol abuse prevention - ROSS currently assists renters in credit building thru Rent Plus

Empowerment and Supportive Services

Assists Tribal members to improve their financial/ credit situations and empowers individuals with their goals towards Homeownership.

Construction and Rehab

Assists homeowners with housing rehabilitation/ construction, and works with Tribal Leadership to plan for and develop communities and affordable housing

NCIHA is a Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE), established in 1979, that works on behalf of 8 Federally recognized Tribes in Northern California to carry out housing related programs. ________________________________
Our Mission
"To help Tribal Government with the development of their communities. To do so in a way that is consistent with the Tribe's social, cultural and economic values. To alleviate some of the effects of poverty by providing quality housing to Native Americans in Northern California."
NCIHA 2021

Reaching our Communities today

What is NCIHA doing in 2021

The impact of COVID-19

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been exceptionally hard for local tribes. Not only has the pandemic affected tribal members unequally in health outcomes, it also affected income with closure of tribal member owned businesses and socially with the inability to gather safely for spiritual and family gatherings. 

We at Northern Circle have tried to do our part in alleviating some of the financial burdens by supporting tribal members with federally funded COVID relief programs that assist in rental and utility relief, food assistance and safe quarantine. We will continue to stand by the members in our consortium by utilizing all programs that are available through the Department of Treasury and other sources of funding. 

One-time Emergency Assistance

In the early months of COVID-19, NCIHA received funding from HUD under the president Cares Act. With this NCIHA was able to issue one time payments to those most affected financially by the pandemic.

Emergency Rental Assistance

In early 2021, NCIHA was granted funds through ERAP (Emergency Rental Assistance Program) that provided rents affected financially by COVID-19 up to 12 months of rental payments, late or future, and/ or utility assistance for past due balances. We are continuing to work to secure more rental assistance funding to continue to help tribal members.

Most commonly asked questions about NCIHA

Questions And Answers

NCIHA is a Tribally Designated Housing Entity that works on behalf of seven federally recognized tribes to carrying out their housing related programs. Such programs include and are not limited to rental assistance, emergency assistance, down payment assistance, new construction, property management and maintenance and COVID-19 assistance. More information on our services can be found on the Programs page.

NCIHA is primarily funded by the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) through the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Native American Programs. There are also a variety of other Federal, State, and Local funders that too may fund our programs throughout any given year.

Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians
Guidiville Rancheria
Hopland Band of Pomo Indians
Kletsel Dehe Wintun Nation
Manchester-Point Arena Band of Pomo Indians
Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians
Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians
Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians

NCIHA has several programs which may be able to help you. We offer a variety of homelessness response and prevention programs and assistance. These programs, as funding allows, may provide hands on case management in seeking permanent housing and disability benefits, non-congregate shelter, connections to services and providers, and more. See our Programs Page for more information.

All available programs can be found on the Programs page. Additional information can be found on our Facebook page!

Where it all Started

Darlene Tooley,
Founder of

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Awards and Acknowledgements from the 1980's

September 15, 1981

The Community Services Administration

For Outstanding and Dedicated Service to the Poor of America


1983 to 1985

Robinson Rancheria

In appreciation for Assisting Us in Developing 

The New Robinson Rancheria


April 12, 1986

Institute of Real Estate Management of 

the National Association of Realtors 

Completion of the Requirements for the HUD Public

Housing Manager Certification Program


May 23, 1988

Darlene Tooley – Certificate Occupancy 

Specialist Public Housing


November 18, 1988

US Department of HUD

Recognition of Sustained Excellence in Operations


Awards and Acknowledgements from the 1990's


Redwood Valley Reservation

In Appreciation for Assisting Us in Developing Our Community


Southwest Indian Housing Authorities Association

Recognition of 10 years of service to housing in Indian Country



Oak Leaf Award

Acknowledgement of dedication to prevention of 

drug and alcohol abuse


February 8, 1992

NCIHA Board of Commissioners

Darlene Tooley – 10 years of Service




Certificate of Appreciation for supporting the 

American Indian Drinking Water Technician Program


April 1993

Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians

Darlene Tooley – Appreciation for Support and 

Continued Interest in providing Affordable Housing


December 9, 1994

US Department of HUD

Recognition of excellence in overall management performance 

in the Indian Housing Program for fiscal years 1992 – 1993 


January 9, 1996

Southwest Indian Housing Authorities Association

Recognition of 15 years of service to housing in Indian Country


February 27, 1997 to March 12, 1998

Recognition of outstanding contribution and 

dedication as a member of NAHASDA


January 1998

US Department of HUD

Certificate of Excellence


October 8, 1998

Ukiah Business & Professional Women Award

Golden Nike Award 


January 1999

US Department of HUD

Certificate of Excellence


Awards and Acknowledgements from the 2000's

January 2000

US Department of HUD
Southwest Office of Native American Projects

Certificate of Excellence


February 12, 2000

Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority

Darlene Tooley – Certificate of Appreciation


March 31, 2000

Mendocino College & NCIHA

Alliance for Adults and Youth

For support in development and implementation 

of the “Native Wellness Leadership Institute”


June 7, 2000

Darlene Tooley – Certificate Occupancy 

Specialist Public Housing



Amerind Risk Management Corporation

NCIHA Outstanding Membership Award



NCIHA Board of Commissioners

Darlene Tooley – Recognition of 25 years of service


February 4, 2004

House of Representatives

Remarks of Rep. Mike Thompson

Honoring NCIHA


February 14, 2004

US Department of HUD

Southwest Office of Native American Programs

25 Year Recognition



Southwest Indian Housing Association

25 years of service in Housing in Indian Country


January 11, 2005

Southwest Indian Housing Association

For dedication and efforts to improve 

housing conditions for Native Americans


March 6, 2005

Women Change America

22nd Annual Women’s History of Celebration

Darlene Tooley – For Community Contributions


April 26, 2005

Community Spirit Award

Recognition of Contribution to a 

Drug and Alcohol-free event


June 16, 2005

US Department of HUD

Southwest Office of Native American Programs

Certificate of Achievement


May 4, 2006

First Nations Oweesta Corporation

Darlene Tooley – Recognition of “Building Native 

Communities” and Financial Wellness for Families


February 14, 2019

Southwest Indian Housing Authorities Association

Recognition of 15 years of service to housing in Indian Country


Awards and Acknowledgements from 2010 and forward


California Indian Manpower Consortium

30 year Membership Recognition


April 29, 2010

Screaming Eagle Award

Recognition of dedication and commitment to 

provide foreclosure counseling for all borrowers


Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition

Outstanding and invaluable service to the community


City and County of San Francisco

Office of the Assessor-Recorder

Certificate of Honor

Honor to NCIHA for commitment to aid all residents in

obtaining access to foreclosure 


February 8, 2014

Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition

Outstanding and invaluable service to the community


2014, 2015, 2016

Southwest Indian Housing Authorities Association

Recognition of outstanding participation, dedication 

and support during program years


Energy Conservation Award

Darlene Tooley – Recognition of contribution

 to the National Energy Conservation Effort



Recognition of award received by your housing authority 

from the Department of HUD for Sustained 

Excellence under the ACA.


Berry Creek Rancheria

Darlene Tooley – Recognition of 35 years of Service


Proclamation of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors

Darlene Tooley – Recognition of 35 years of Service


“The only way you can predict the future is to build it. So please join me this year in building the future of NCIHA.” – Alan Kay