What we do for our communities
Northern Circle Programs & Services
We are here to help
Northern Circle has a number of grant funded programs to help members of our consortium tribes. These programs include rental assistance, move-in deposit assistance, home rehab for owners, and residency in one of Northern Circle’s managed homes. Additionally we are currently offering Emergency Rental Assistance and Home Owner Assistance for members affected by Covid-19.
We also offer wrap-around services to help our members toward self sufficiency. These services include the Homeless & Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP) and the Resident Opportunity Supportive Services (ROSS). We have plans to offer additional services in the future.

Northern Circle's ESS department includes a number of wrap-around services for members of NCIHA's consortium tribes.
Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Guidiville Rancheria | Hopland Band of Pomo Indians | Manchester Point Arena Band of Pomo Indians | Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians | Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians | Wilton Rancheria

Homeowners may be eligible for home rehab services to improve the health and/or safety of their home.
Our home owner rehab funds are fully depleted for the current fiscal year. You are welcome to submit an application to be added to our waiting list.
Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Guidiville Rancheria | Hopland Band of Pomo Indians | Manchester Point Arena Band of Pomo Indians | Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians | Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians | Wilton Rancheria

The Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) is funded through the US Treasury to help homeowners with past dues mortgage payments up to three months, or past due utility bills. These funds can also help with home rehabilitation issues.
Manchester Point Arena Band of Pomo Indians

Move-In Deposit Assistance helps members of the participating tribes to cover the move-in costs for renting in the private market.
The program funds for Move-in Deposit Assistance have been depleted for the current fiscal year. You are welcome to submit an application and be added to our waiting list.
Hopland Band of Pomo Indians | Manchester Point Arena Band of Pomo Indians | Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians | Wilton Rancheria

On-Site Housing are a limited number of low-income homes managed by NCIHA on each Reservation or Rancheria.
Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Guidiville Rancheria | Hopland Band of Pomo Indians | Manchester Point Arena Band of Pomo Indians | Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians | Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians

A subsidy payment to help assist those in the private market. There is not set rate, percentage, or amount that can be calculated without an application.
The Rental Assistance funds have been fully depleted for the current fiscal year. You are welcome to submit an application and be added to our waiting list.
Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Guidiville Rancheria | Hopland Band of Pomo Indians | Manchester Point Arena Band of Pomo Indians | Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians | Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians | Wilton Rancheria

Northern Circle owns four low-income units on Waugh Lane in Ukiah. Members from NCIHA consortium tribes are eligible to apply for residency in these units when there are vacancies.
Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Guidiville Rancheria | Hopland Band of Pomo Indians | Manchester Point Arena Band of Pomo Indians | Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians | Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians | Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians | Wilton Rancheria
we review every application we receive
I applied, now what?
Northern Circle has received your application and now you’re curious about what you should do? We’ll contact you!
Depending on which application you submitted with NCIHA, a staff member of that department will review and verify your application and reach out to you about your submission. We will receive your application the day you submitted it through our website or fax; 3-5 business days by mail, and will begin processing you into our system. It takes up to 10 business days to receive a response about your application.
In the meantime, if you have a change in your information, such as a change in contact information, please reach out to us so we can update your application and prevent any delays in processing.
Email: receptionist@nciha.org
Mail: 694 Pinoleville Dr. Ukiah CA
Phone: (707) 468 1336