Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority

building our communities

Contractors - Request for Bid

Contact Our Construction Department
Will McGill
Construction Manager
ukiah Office
(707) 468-1336
ext. 117
David Angle
Construction Specialist
oroville Office
(530) 533-5863
ext. 204
Madi Ferranti
Construction & Rehab Specialist
ukiah Office
(707) 468-1336
ext. 111

Request for Bid FAQ


Check out below for a BID PACKET you would like submit and download a copy and fill out all needed documents. Incomplete packets may not be considered for projects. BID PACKETS must be submitted via email to either of the above listed email address, by mail or in person to 694 Pinoleville Rd, Ukiah CA 95482 – BID PACKETS will only be accepted if submitted in a timely fashion before the posted closing date and time. – post marked BID PACKETS will only be accepted for the date received by NCIHA. Sealed bids must be submitted to Moriah McGill by email or in mail/person in a SEALED envelope.

We Are Looking
For Contractors

If you are a licensed contractor who would like to work on Northern Circle projects, submit your information below to be added to our contact list.


Request for Bid

Mooretown Multi-Purpose Park PHASE I

Bids Due Friday February 28, 2025 by 1:00 pm

NCIHA is seeking bids from qualified firms and enterprises to complete Phase I Construction for the Mooretown Multi-Purpose Park; Site Grading. The area of the site grading is approximately 104,592 sq.ft.

Click for more information

Request for Proposal

Maidu Mountain Lion Housing Development

Bids Due Friday December 13, 2024 by 5:00 pm

1. SERVICES: The Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority (NCIHA) is soliciting request for proposals for the Final Design and Development of Construction Documents to develop a proposed grant funded, multi-phase, housing development directly adjacent to the Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California’s Tribal Trust Lands.

2. SOLICITATION: We are making this solicitation via email. All proposals must be submitted to the NCIHA in writing and can be email but must be received by 5pm on Friday, December 13, 2024. Email your submission to Moriah McGill at

3. SITE VISIT: NCIHA will host a Site Visit on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 11am for interested parties to view the proposed project site. Interested parties will meet 4001 Hildale Ave., Oroville, CA. 95966. Site Visit is not a requirement for proposal submission.

4. MAIDU MOUNTAIN LION HOUSING DEVELOPMENT: Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority (NCIHA) is a Tribally Designated Housing Entity that works on behalf of 8 Federally Recognized Tribes to administration affordable housing programs, projects, and services and community development opportunities; of which include the Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California. The Tribe is the rightful owner of the
project site; 4001 Hildale Ave., Oroville, CA. 95482. The site, located within the jurisdiction of Butte County, and sits directly adjacent to the Tribe’s Trust Lands. A preliminary site plan is provided in this solicitation for conceptual context.


Phase I: Phase I includes the development of 12-Single Family Homes and its related infrastructure and access to the site.

Phase II: Phase II includes the development of 10- Elder intended homes with accessibility features throughout the home and its related infrastructure. Phase III is not included in the proposed work; however, proposer is to incorporate consideration for future multifamily housing development and infrastructure access.

6. SCOPE OF WORK: The Scope of Work is as follows:

  1. Preliminary Planning Session
    1. Conduct two (2) Preliminary Planning Session with NCIHA and the Tribe to discuss the project vision, project roles and responsibilities, and intended outcomes and outputs.
  2. Construction Documents
    1. Develop Construction Documents required to successfully complete the
      project in its entirety; Phases I and II.
      1. Including but not limited to the development of plans and specifications for: Site Preparation, Infrastructure and Utilities, and 22 Residential Dwelling Unit Construction.
      2. Inclusion of Culturally Significant and Meaningful Designs, Patterns, Plants, Animals, etc. are required.
      3. Compliance with local jurisdictional requirements are required.
  3. Bid & Construction Administration
    1. Bid Administration to include and not be limited to: attending the pre-bid on-site conference, responding to RFI’s, review of any addenda in response to the RFI’s and reviewing any and all proposed change orders.
    2. Construction Administration
      1. Attend the Pre-Construction Conference, Construction Commencement Ceremony and Weekly Project Check-Ins.
      2. Quality Assurance: Maintain and Ensure quality control throughout
        the duration of the Development in Partnership with NCIHA and
        the Berry Creek Rancheria
        1. Including and not limited to submittal review, change order
          review, on-site inspections during key milestones of
          construction, etc.
      3. Aid NCIHA in ensuring the project is completed within the grant
        budget and in the time, restraints set forth in the funding awards.

Please download the Proposal document to view the full project requirements.

Click for more information

Request for Proposal

Inter-Tribal Elder Village

Bids Due Friday December 6, 2024 by 5:00 pm

1. SERVICES: The Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority (NCIHA) is soliciting request for proposals for the Final Design and Development of Construction Documents and Construction Administration to develop a grant funded, 2.57-acre multi-unit Inter-Tribal Elder Village to include 15 single-family residences for elders, multi-purpose recreation and wellness center, pergola, green and garden space, walking paths, infrastructure, and parking for Seniors experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

2. SOLICITATION: We are making this solicitation via email. All proposals must be submitted to the NCIHA in writing and can be email but must be received by 5pm on Friday, December 6, 2024. Email your submission to Moriah McGill at

3. SITE VISIT: NCIHA will host a Site Visit on Friday, November 15, 2024 at 10am for interested parties to view the proposed project site. Interest parties will meet at 420 Cooper Lane, Ukiah, CA. 95482. Site Visit is not a required; however, is encouraged.

4. INTER-TRIBAL ELDER VILLAGE: Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority (NCIHA) is a Tribally Designated Housing Entity that works on behalf of 8 Federally Recognized Tribes to administration affordable housing programs, projects, and services and community development opportunities. NCIHA is the rightful owner of the project site; 420 Cooper Lane, Ukiah, CA. 95482. The site, located within the jurisdiction of the City
of Ukiah, is a split zone including MDR (R-2) and LDR (R-1) and is in Zone 3 with Airport Compatibility Zone with 15 dwelling units per acre. The Inter-Tribal Elder Village shall be developed in conformance with the City of Ukiah’s Objective Design Standards. Development of the Inter-Tribal Elder Village must comply with the requirements set forth in the City of Ukiah’s Building, Code Enforcement, and Fire Prevention Services.

This project is made possible with funding from the California Department of Social
Services Community Care Expansion (CCE) program.

5. COMMITMENT TO PROVIDE ACCESSIBILITY: NCIHA, as a recipient of Community Care Expansion funding, must commit to providing accessibility to persons with mobility, hearing, vision, and other physical and/or sensory disabilities

6. PROPOSED PROJECT PHASES: Phase I: Development of site infrastructure and the construction of the 15 residential dwelling units intended for Elders. Phase II: Multi- Purpose Recreation and Wellness Center with Patio and Pergola and Maintenance Shop.

For full details on this Request for Proposal, please download the accompanying PDF.

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